OK Loser
Two nerds, one podcast. Hosts James Powell and Jenni Greenlee discuss the lame things they are into with one another. This conversational-interview style podcast is released bi-weekly. Losers unite!
OK Loser
Episode 4 - Kick It Up a Notch
In this episode we discuss the terrible reasons we like our favorite teams, toxic relationships with sports and why its really called soccer and not football.
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The fourth official holds up the electronic board indicating it's time for a substitution. Coming onto the pitch first with fire in her belly, and agreement her eye. Hide your shins, Hide your wives. It's Jenny Greenley and the second substitution. He's ready to take a dime in the penalty area. He has no shame.
He has nothing to lose. It's me, James Powell. It's true. He's at the very rock bottom in his life. He has nothing to lose. I, I thought I was doing okay. . No. Oh, well, , this is a very sobering opening, . It's okay. Maybe next time, next life. I don't know that, maybe just try hard enough and pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Uh, yeah. So if you too didn't understand a word of what James just said in that opening with all the mumbo jumbo about fire in my belly. And all the penalty box and the who. Its, um, you're gonna learn today because today's episode, James is in the hot seat and we are discussing one of his biggest love interests in life besides yours, truly.
And it's not the girl at work who don't worry about it. Michelle, you dog. ? No. Um, soccer. Yeah, soccer as, uh, luck would. We were very lucky. . Extremely lucky. It used to be competitive pie eating. Really? No. Oh. Although you have my hopes of, I was like, That's pretty cool. I like pie. Joey Chestnut, my boy. He, You would probably dominate it.
Joey Chestnut. Yeah. The like, like famous hot dog heater. Oh, that guy. Yeah. Well, that's hot dog. That pie. Well, I'm sure you could knock out a pie, . I mean, the dude's like the best eater in the world. . Hide Your Wife.
This episode, explicit . This episode is not safe for words
Um, but yeah. So, um, moving on from that , uh, we obviously, you know, These episodes go, I will be interviewing James about his interest. But before we get to that, um, we did want to talk a little bit about, uh, something that recently surfaced in the world of soccer. Um, something that's not so cool. Um, I am not super, uh, well versed on it myself, so I'll let James take it from.
Yeah. So US Soccer, um, released a independent investigation into some of the frankly awful things that have been happening in women's soccer in America recently, specifically in the National Women's Soccer League. There's been some sexual abuse, um, and uh, it's just kind of been awful to to read. , there have been teams like the Portland Thorns, um, and racing Louisville, um, who have really stood out as some of the worst defenders.
And it's really kind of been like a sobering wake up call. I mean, as a, as a, as a guy, um, it's kind of an easy thing to not worry about because you know, a lot of, you know, sexual. Kind of tends more towards women. Mm-hmm. . But to see it brought home in, you know, something that I love, like soccer, it kinda is a, a wake up call, a reminder that hey, things are getting better, but they're not great.
Mm-hmm. , didn't you say that the president of the league also. Sexually abused. Yeah. Yeah. So this, it goes in all levels from players, the coaches to the president of the US Soccer Federation herself. Mm-hmm. , um, when she was a coach, she was, uh, harassed and propositioned, um, by one of the main offenders. Wow.
It's really messed up. Yeah. Yeah. There's, there's no room for it. I, I guess there a positive would be that there has been some change. The owner of the Portland Thorns and, um, the Portland, uh, Timbers and mls, he has stepped away from the, the teams, but frankly, it's not good enough. He just basically let it go.
Like he was privy to a lot of this. He knew the allegations. And he did nothing. He needs to go. Yeah. He's just as guilty. Yeah, absolutely. Uh, at the end of the day, it's up to the league. The league can make him sell the team. Um, and it's up to us as fans to force his hand. I mean, if no one buys tickets, he's not gonna wanna keep the team.
Do you think that's likely
I hope some things are more important than sports. Mm-hmm. , a lot of things are more important than sports . This is, there's like three things that are more important than sports, and this is one of them. Yeah. . This is a lot more important than sports. Yeah. Yeah. Well, let's hope that, you know, they end up doing what's right and I hope that you know this.
Continue to happen on such a large scale. I mean, any amount is wrong. Mm-hmm. , but for so many people to know about it and for it to go on for so long, like it's just, that's, that's the disturbing thing. It in a League of 12 teams, about six of the teams were involved in wrongdoing. Yeah. That's, I mean, it's alarming.
I hate to say that. I'm not surprised, but. It just, it's really disheartening and you know, it makes you as a woman, I'm sure some of those players, maybe they don't, you know, this is their passion. Yeah. It's the dream some they love. Yeah. And now that's been potentially ruined for them by. Random men in, you know, in this organization who have harassed them and sexually abused them.
And it's just, it's not okay. It's, it's really saddening. Um, so like I mentioned, you know, we're gonna get to the interview here, but we felt like it was important to note, um, we've been wanting to talk about this topic for a while now. . But you know, this is something that came about recently that we kind of wanted to just bring to light on our little podcast here because it's important.
Um, Yeah. We all have to speak up about it. Yeah. So, uh, kind of moving on from that, I'll get into my questions more directed to your own personal experiences. Okay. Um, so my first question is, when did you start getting interested in soccer and why? I would say my first real introduction to soccer was back in 2014 during the World Cup.
Okay. Espn. ESPN was hosting and they did it up real big. Um, they were putting it on all the different platforms, radio, television, internet. I remember watching some of that with you at that time in 2014. I think that was like in the summer. Are you sure It was in 2015? I'm positive it's every four years. I feel like I watched some soccer thing with you when we first started dating, but maybe it was something else.
I don't know. Go on. They did it up real big and I was like, All right. I I, I was a, you know, a, a fan boy of sports, a bandwagon. I wouldn't say I'm a bandwagon . I, I suffer. I suffer like a good trooper. Okay. With my bad teams. Uhhuh, We'll get to that. Yeah. But yeah, so they were doing that big and I, I was a fanboy of espn, so Okay.
I was like, Okay, sure, I'll, I'll give this, uh, English crap a try . Um, and Cheerio. Yeah, Old Shep and I ended up really, really liking it. It was a lot of fun. The US team was pretty good that year. We were in a really deep group. Um, it was the group of death in 2014 with, I think it was Ghana. Germany and Portugal with America in our group of four there.
And we, we did, we lost to, to Germany, but we tied Portugal and beat Ghana, so we were able to make it out of the group, and I think we got knocked out in the next round. Um, I should have done more research. I, I did very minimal research coming into this. Full disclosure. Hey, you're just plucking stuff outta the old noggin.
Exactly. . But it was a lot of fun to watch, and I was like, Oh, that's cool. I, I, I wanted to give soccer more of a shot, and then I never did, and now I'm not gonna touch it for seven years. Exactly. Yeah. . And then I came back around to it back in maybe 2020 or 2021. Uh, I was channel surfing one morning, came across NBC Sports Network, and I, I don't remember exactly who was playing.
I think Newcastle was, I don't remember who, but I, I sat there and watched, uh, the rest of the game and I was like, This is, this, this was fun. You know, it was something to do on a Saturday morning. Um, so I, I just kept watching it and, uh, I've been watching pretty much ever since. Yeah. Fun times. I feel like it was 2020 because I remember you getting like heavily into it.
Like when Covid first started. It very well could have been. Yeah. Yeah. So cuz I, we were spending a lot of time around each other. . Yeah. We, Okay. This was an aside, we, James and I moved in together, like for the first time living on our own period outside of our parents' house. Well, James lived in a dorm in college, but my first time moving out fully and our first time living together.
Uh, we moved out literally the weekend, the Friday before, uh, the United States, um, went into lockdown for Covid. Yeah, quarantining and, uh, yeah. So we had to get real comfortable, real fast with one another. . It was real trial by combat. Yeah. Well, hey, we came out on the other side though. Yes. So I, I, I think it's meant to be, I, I very well might just marry that.
Aw. He really did put a ring on it. , and now we just have to wait. . Well, we don't have to, but we are you. Okay. Yeah. . All right. Um, so my next question, I know you enjoy watching both European soccer, uh, well, I guess I should say European football for all the sports snobs. Look at this cultured girl. Yeah, I am.
Where did did she come from? I'm kind of like a, um, I'm not like other girls. I like sports. Oh, not Wow. Uh, yeah. . Um, and the USA soccer team, so like MLS is Major League Soccer. Yes. Is that correct? Mm-hmm. , does European soccer have a Oh, Premier League. Is that, Well, there are different leagues for different countries.
Every country has their own different league. Like France has, uh, League One, Italy has Syria, Um, England has the Premier League. I see. Has the Premier League. Oh, okay. So I know you like watching, you know, both, well all I guess all of those that you can. Um, do you think there is much of a difference in the way that the games are played from country to country?
And if so, how? Absolutely. Yeah. Um, Usually the cream of the crop, they go over and play in the Big five leagues in Europe. Mm-hmm. , that's where you're gonna be able to get paid the most. So naturally people wanna get paid. And which teams are those? Um, well, more, more so the leagues, like the English Premier League, um, LGA in Spain, uh, Syria, like I said, in.
Um, or I'm sorry, Syria and Italy and League One and, and France. Okay. Oh, and the Boda Liga in Germany. , That one's my favorite. . Okay. Boda Liga. But there's definitely very different, um, you get a lot more like open play in, um, in the European leagues just because there's better passing better athletes. Um, it's just the more, I guess you could say crisp, appealing game.
Mm-hmm. Whereas like in North American soccer with MLS or uh, uh, Liga MX in Mexico mm-hmm. , you, you get more of a, defensive might be the wrong word, but you get like a, a bit of more like stoppage. You get more balls going outta bounds, you get more like little more dirty hits, you'll, you'll get a little more shin kicks.
You'll get away with a little bit more, little less refined exa, That's the perfect way to put it. Yes. Okay. Yes. Um, but honestly I kind of like that a little bit more. Mm-hmm. . Um, personally, I'm, I'm more of a fan of college sports than professional sports, just because I like that little bit. What's gonna happen?
Yeah, I was gonna say, it kind of reminds me like, you know, all the European soccer teams are like the NFL and the US soccer teams are like college football. Yeah. I, it's not a great comparison because like, I mean, they are all professionals and they do deserve respect, Uhhuh, . Um, but it's, it's, it's, it's kind of similar.
Um, just like with play styles, I, I, I, American soccer players are like that hot guy that's attainable. . . Yes. . They're, they're me. Yes. . Yes. Um, so soccer is the number one sport in the world. I looked that one up. Wow. Before we Yeah, I did my research. Yeah. She, she did a couple of Google searches. That's more than I did.
I was gonna say, I'm just not pulling stuff outta my No. Over here like you are so, Why do you think soccer is not as big in the us? It's not our sport. I mean, it's pretty simple. Um, it's, it's kind of like asking why baseball isn't huge in England. Mm-hmm. , it's not their thing. They are usually credited with inventing cricket, soccer, and rugby, and those are the big sports in England.
Mm. and in America we created baseball, basketball, and American football. So those are our big sports. I mean, it, it really just comes down to marketing and what people are familiar with. Mm-hmm. soccer is making a big rise in America, though. It's, it's kind of creeping up on hockey right now, um, as like the fourth major sport.
Mm-hmm. and Major League Soccer is really, really growing. Added a ton of teams like in the last few years, including my, my team, FC Cincinnati, They joined the LEAP back in 2018 or 2019 and they just signed a huge deal with Apple, uh, this last year. And it's becoming like one of the most financially stable, or maybe not financially stable, but one of the, the richer, uh, leagues, um, in the world.
I, I think we're. Maybe in the top 10 or 15 of world leagues when it comes to, Wow. When it comes to revenues. Uhhuh. Cool. Um, yeah, I mean, personally, I. . I mean, I watch soccer with you occasionally, but I don't go outta my way to like watch it on tv. Mm-hmm. . But I just feel like even in like day to day life, like when I'm out places, like I see more soccer jerseys and stuff than I used to.
I don't know if maybe it's just cuz I'm paying attention more. That could be it. Yeah. But, uh, yeah, I don't know. I feel like, you know, every time I go out, like at least once a month, I feel like I see a soccer jersey. Kit, Eh, Whatever you want. Call, say whatever. Yeah. Close enough. I'm not a snob. , are you sure about that?
About that? , Anything else? Yes. Uniforms, kits, jerseys, no shirt, whatever you wanna call it. Shirt. Oh, or that's casual. Okay. Yeah. All right. Good to know. , if you wanted to slide into one of the soccer message boards, be like, Yeah, those shirts. Is that kinda upset a lot of people? Probably not. . I wish it would.
I'm ready to create chaos. Okay. . Um, so what do you think is the main difference between most mainstream United States of America, sports, baseball, American football, uh, et cetera, and soccer? Um, and I guess more specifically, what do you think might attract someone to watching soccer as opposed to these other sports?
I, I don't know. I, I, I don't really have like, a lot of things that I think would translate between the different sports. I mean, they're, they're their own things and they should probably stay that way. Mm-hmm. , one thing I love about watching a soccer game is the crowd. It's just a whole different vibe between watching, like, just even even an American, uh, game.
Like when I watch Cincinnati games, it's so different than watching a baseball game. , I mean, yeah, like you don't, Crowds don't get excited for an August baseball game. , No, they. Crowds will lose their mind on a game where their team is losing five Nothing in soccer. Yeah. Like they might be, you know, angry, but at least they're making some noise.
they have feelings. Exactly. Yeah. And they're gonna tell you about them. My, my team, FC Cincinnati has historically. Ben Hot garbage , but what? Oh yeah, it's bad. Won the wooden spoon three years in a row. That's last, last place in the league for the uninitiated. for all the losers out there. Yeah. Who doesn't know that?
Yeah. So yeah. Last place in the league. Three straight years. Our very first three years being in mls. Oof. Yeah, it was, It was a rough go. But the supporter section, the Bailey. Was packed the whole time. Yeah, we suck. What of it? ? I mean, honestly, a little bit. . My, my favorite. We're here and we're a square. My favorite thing that I, I, I have seen as a soccer fan was last year whenever we won the wooden swing for the third straight.
Uh, bunch of fans brought in physical, actual wind spoons and threw them onto the pitch. At the end of the game, , our trophy has arrived. , I felt bad for the players, but it was kind of funny. I'm not gonna That's hilarious. It was probably more of a message to like management, which, I mean, we had to get into management, which we did.
I, I'm, it is with great pleasure. I tell you, FC Cincinnati came in fifth in the Eastern conference and are in the playoffs this year. Ha. Yeah. Yeah. There was not much crying this year. Got your big cleats on now. Yeah, exactly. So, but that's what I'm saying. You, if you suffer with the team, whenever you get these triumphal moments, it.
So much better. It makes all the bad times way more worth it. This sounds like a toxic relationship. It is absolutely a toxic relationship. , I've been gas lit by the teams I like growing up my whole life. The New York Jets, Come on. What's wrong with me, ? I should have left them years ago. But you know what, we got us a, a talented quarterback and a, and a solid defense.
This year. We've won a game. We won two games. Two games. Jenny. He buys me flowers sometimes. Yeah, but I hold onto those. This is your side, ladies. Listen to the podcast.
Hold held onto those two lens with so much pleasure because I've gone through so many seasons. Of absolute garbage
Oh my. This is reminding me of best relationships. . Ooh, let's move on. don't need to get my feelings here around the podcast. Um, so speaking of crappy teams, Why did you pick Everton as your favorite team? Wow, that's, that, that's a, a very loaded question. , Uh, I would like to ask the moderator to rephrase the question.
Okay. Um, speaking of. The worst team in the league. Oh, . For those of you who don't know, my favorite, uh, Premier League team is Everton and Jennifer likes to, likes like Sock garbage. No, I don't like Everton . Oh, she, she likes the, uh, the Cop Bites. She's a, a Liverpool, the. So you don't even know your own stuff.
The Mennonites, you don't even know your own stuff, man. Gentil, get outta here. Are you a real fan? No. ? No I'm not . I picked them because I like their logo. It has a dragon on it. . That's a pretty lame Mike drop. You picked your team for the same reason. Okay. Except they have Oak Griffin. Who? Okay, to be fair, Griffins are cooler than Dragons.
No. Yes, No. Yes. Why? Because they got like a bunch of stuff going on. They got wings, they're lion and they're a guy. Dragons have fire. Okay. Fire beats those three things. No. Yes it does. No . Yep. Griffins are cooler. Yeah. Well, my dragon's gonna totally flame your Griffin. What? You heard me? I will not repeat myself.
We're we're getting sidetracked. I, I, I, I should have never engaged in your propaganda against the People's Club . Anyway, the reason I chose Everton.
Because well say a little louder. I was, I was, uh, play fifa. Oh, really? Fifa. Yeah. And, uh, I was playing my career mode and they, uh, they offered my player a contract. So I, In a fictional, let me clarify, this was fictional, right? A fictional game, Yeah. On fifa. Mm. And your player, What was your player's name? I don't remember.
something stupid. I, I don't, I don't, I'm not one of Ben Dover . See more butts, . Yeah, that's a good one. I I'm not one of those guys who like makes themselves in the, in the video games. Oh, I totally am. I know you are. I absolutely am. Yeah. I've made myself in the sims upwards of 50 times. That just sounds boring.
It's not boring, It's fun. But if you keep making the same character, what's the fun of that? Cause I'm living different lives. I'm a chef in one of them. Is this, you like living vicariously because you're trapped with me. No, that'd be crazy. Mm-hmm. , you played a lot of ss during, uh, quarantine. . It's like, God, my life would be so much better if I was just this virtual woman living her best life.
Instead, I'm stuck with this weirdo who likes soccer. Oh, I made this weird, I made this weird. Yeah, in the Sims, who's like really hot and his name is something else. . It's a Gerard Way. You get married. . Now I've seen pictures. Ginny, come on now. Don't, don't, don't hit me with this Gerard Way stuff again.
Pictures of what? Of Gerard Way. He's hot. We're getting sidetracked again. . So anyway, I picked them on the very terrible reason that they gave my player in the game a contract. But I could've just lied here . Cause there is actually a good reason. Oh for picking Everton. Go on there. They're America's team.
Really? Yeah. A lot of Amer of America's best players more recently, immediately have come through Everton, like Landon Donovan and Tim Howard. And, and they actually, Everton actually tries with Americans like they'll throw you a bone. I feel like a lot of other English or high high profile European teams are like, Yeah, we don't give, we don't really, we don't give a toss about the Americans.
That's a terrible accent. Tw . , but yeah, they are, They like too snobby for America. Yes. Like, oh, American. That's that smell. I just smelled. They call it soccer . Yeah. But Everton actually tries, they, they try to bring in New American fans and I, and I appreciate that Uhhuh. You know, it's nice to, to be appreciated.
Hey, I'm an American . I like, it's, it's about time America gets some recognition around the world. Yeah. Uhhuh, . We you got anything? Mayor Rick. Huh? Mayor Rick. Huh? You're driving everyone away. I'm sorry. . Again. Past relationships coming back. . Um, so, uh, what do you think is the most influential factor for a team success?
The players or the coach? I'm proud of this question too. . What I said, I'm proud of this question too. . Okay. Yeah, that's, that's a, that's a real special question, Jenny. Oh, thanks. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I can tell you you spent a lot of time thinking of that. Yeah. , that was me. , I mean, it, it depends on, I mean, really your budget as a team, I guess.
Like if you're, If you're real Madrid or Barcelona Man City and you can go drop a hundred million dollars, you know, on a player. Must be nice. Yeah. Then I mean, the players, yeah, obviously matter more, but if you're someone like Brighton in the Premier League, then having grandpa was worth a lot more than spending 25 million on a player.
So that Harry Potter's grandpa, Uh, no darn no. Sorry. You say Graham or Grand Graham? Graham. Oh, Graham, Not Grandma. Potter. . . I was like, his name is Grand Graham. He must like biscuits. Okay, sure. But now he likes Graham crackers. No, now he likes lots of, lots of money. Cause he, he took a job at Chelsea. Hey, that's me too, buddy
Is he white? Yeah. Okay. He's a Graham cracker.
Alright, that's for Jenny Greenley. I've been James Powell. That's all we have today, folks. I've been James Powell. I am no longer in James Powell. I am assuming a new identity I have starting over James Powell, so don't forget fiance to Jenny Green Lee. No, you can forget it. . I. I've already, Who is it? , what's your face?
I've moved on. I haven't
So with that being said, who is the greatest soccer player in the world right now playing? And what makes them just so awesome?
There's a couple of different choices. I think it, well, one, my, my favorite player to watch and I think is who I think is the best, is Kevin. Kevin Debre. . Okay. He is an artist with a ball at his feet. Okay. He, so he's, he's, he is a, uh, attacking midfielder or, you know, he can't just play central midfield. But he is more of a playmaker than a scorer, so he, he's more of a passer.
He'll spray the ball all around. He can make a masterful pass that could hang up in a museum . It is truly amazing to watch him play. Okay. I feel like I need a box of Kleenexes if I'm gonna watch him play. Absolutely. . I mean, whatever you wanna do with the Kleenexes is, is appropriate. , it's up to your discretion.
Yeah, . Okay. So is he like, do you think a lot of people regard him as number one or is he just like your fave? I think he probably gets top 10 consideration, but I don't think a lot of people consider number. Okay. Who do you think everyone else thinks is number one? I think there are still a lot of people who consider Reinaldo or, um, David?
No Beckham? No. Is that his name? He doesn't play anymore. That's his name though, right? Yeah, I did it. . I think a lot of people regard either Christiana Ronaldo or Lionel Mess. Oh yes. The, the top players. I don't think they're there anymore. Yeah. But there is a new crop. Um, there's early Holland, uh, who's also on Manchester City with Kevin Debre.
He's very good. I don't think he's the best player in the world. I think you can make a case for killing and Bape. Um, but I don't personally, I don't think he's the best player in the world either. I like his name. Okay. Fape? Yeah. M Bape. M B A P P. Ipe. Ipe. Iada. Okay. In Jada. All right. . You hungry? I am a little hungry.
Um, alright. Well before we sign off, um, James and I have this little thing where every time our teams face each other, we have a bet. Correct. And. Just to give a little bit of backstory, the first time I lost, sorry. Uh, Liverpool is my team. Um, they lost against Everton in 2021, I think. I think so, yeah. And this was like early in the year, like I want to say around like February, March, and it had snowed in our area the day before the game, and.
Our bet was whoever lost had to go out and make a snow angel in their swimsuit. So that's what I had to do. I one of the greatest days of my life. , I mean it, to be fair, Liverpool is probably more successful. Uhhuh, I wouldn't say better, They're more successful. Um, you know, over the last. Couple of decades.
Mm-hmm. , it, it had been nine years since Everton had beat Liverpool before then. Yeah. And he told me that before the match started and I was like super confident. I was like, You're gonna totally be putting your butts of snow today. And then they lost and I was like, Oh. It was awesome. I Horrible was elated.
Yeah. Yeah, it was. It was a lot of fun. It's always more fun for, It's always more fun watching the, the games when there's something on the line. Yeah. Especially when it's not just money . Especially when it's public humiliation. Yes, yes. It means more. Yeah. Yeah. And it was even like worse because the snow had kind of melted by that point, so.
I had just had to find like the small little patch of like icy snow and try my best to make a snow angel. And we lived in an apartment complex at the time, so like there were people around, Yeah, they were, that were looking at me and I was like, Oh, I'll just by a street too. . Yeah, I'll right on the corner of a street.
So that was embarrassing. And for this last game, uh, which was earlier this year, actually, I think in April or May, um, My team won . Yeah. And James had to, uh, I got egged. Yeah. Um, so, you know, clearly the repu being bitter about the, the loss of, of, uh, Virginia LA the year before. Bribe Bri, Me specifically? Yes.
They bribed Stewart Atwell into not giving penalties and giving penalties to Liverpool. He's a referee? Yes, he is a very corrupt one. Oh, I I like him. You would, You would, I bet. Would. . No, I'm just, I'm just a wire. Um, anyway, anyway, I, I lost and Jenny got to h like four or five eggs at me. Uh, and I think that was where all the eggs we had left.
Yeah. Yeah. And they did not break. They just slammed into my body and hurt really bad. Yeah. We have like this patio area in our backyard that we went out to, and he was facing away from me and I was like, Maybe 10 or 15 feet away, like tossing these eggs. And pro tip, I've learned that if you're going to egg somebody, crack the egg like just a little bit before you throw it so that it'll fully break.
Because I was just chucking these straight outta the carton and they were just hitting him and bouncing off. And going on to the ground. I mean, they were, they were doing more than just bouncing off. Man. You make it sound like, like, I like had pillows on or something. , those things hurt. Yeah, he got, he got a few, uh, good smacks in and then I grew tired of the eggs not cracking on 'em.
So for the last egg, I came up and just like beaned him on the head with one that hurt a lot too. ? Yeah. Lots of fun. Even though the eggs didn't really crack. How I was expecting them to. But, uh, that's life. I guess that's how the egg crumbles. That's life. It doesn't crumble. , you need to crack it a little bit first.
Um, and then just to kind of round out our tally, um, the most recent bet we made was that we would have the, the loser would have to come onto the podcast. And say something nice about the other person's team. Yeah. So not, not as bad as the, the previous years we're, we're getting a little unoriginal that, you know, except Yeah, our team tied.
Yeah. Which I'll take. I mean, I was fine with it, to be honest. No, A tie is a loss. . I mean, I'll take all three points if you want. No, I want them. I don't know what the points mean, but I want them give them to me. So Everton is coming off a pretty brutal season last year. Um, they were, You don't say they were nearly my teeth.
The hot garbage. You know what, I'll, I'll come over there and fight you . No, they, they barely avoided relegation last season. Um, Tell them what relegation means, where you get sent down to the league, to the lower league. Um, pathetic in this, in this case it would be the, the championship, which is confusingly named.
Yeah, . It's like the championship. Oh no, they're gonna go to the Champ. The championship is the second division. The Premier League is the first edition. Okay. Yes. Yeah, that sounds totally backward, like Premier, I think. First, like opening, like the Premier League was like a more recent invention, like in the nineties.
It, it was made after the championship had already been made. So before that it was the championship league one, League two as the English pyramid. Then in the nineties, people wanted more money, so they added the career league. Don't we all? Yes. . So, uh, what nice thing do you have to say about L. I'm a big fan of how you guys picked up our sloppy seconds on, uh, on and field.
On what? Your, your home stadium. Oh, I knew that. . . Yeah. So I was like, who's am and where are we playing on her field? So whenever ever Everton was founded, we were there first, by the way, Uhhuh? , uh, they originally played at Anfield and uh, then we were like, You know what, we'll get our own field. We hate Anfield.
It sucks. Only losers play there. Aww. So we moved exactly one park. And I'm gonna take my field and push it somewhere else. Yeah. On the other side of the park. Yeah. And good baby. Goodison Park was born Baby Goodison. It's just called Goodison Park. Goodison. Goodison. What does that mean? It's probably a name.
I don't like it like someone's name. It's stupid. You're stupid. . No, I'm not. Stupid person says what stupid person likes Liverpool. That's a pretty that. I feel like that was a backhanded compliment. That's not a real nice thing to say. That's the nicest thing I can say about Liverpool. Really. You guys have nice kits, I guess.
Thank you. So you are a snob on what to say for their. I mean, they're nice. I, I appreciate something more than just the color blue
Yeah. Um, for me, I, uh, I, I kinda like Jordan Pickford. Yes, you do. Who doesn't love Jordan Pickford? For those not in the know Jordan Pickford is the goalie for Everton. He's just a little prick and I love it. Oh, he is so, Oh, he is so good at getting under people's skin. You know, that box of Kleenexes again?
He's just the best and he's a good, The thing that makes it even better is that he, he can actually back it up too. He's a really good bully. Yeah, he is. He's very undervalued. Mm-hmm. , you know, he gets a lot of. Um, but there's a reason he's the starter for the English national team. Mm-hmm. , he, uh, he does this thing.
At least that I've seen in the game that we watch . Yeah, he did it in one, He's only done it in one game. Really? Yeah. Oh, well he did this thing one time that I thought was cool. . He like, basically he was trying to like grab the ball to waste time because Was every time ahead? No, we were tied. Okay. We prefer to call it milking the clock.
Not wasting time. Time wasting is a yellow card. Oh, okay. Sure. But so he like, he like fell onto the ball. Earlier in the game and like the crowd was booing him and they were like, Stop. And that It was at Ann's Field. This game? Yes. Liverpool's Field. Um, for those who don't remember, cuz I didn't for a little bit, but, so then later in the game he did the same thing.
But like when he popped back up again, the whole crowd was booing him and he just gave the biggest smile cuz he knew it pissed them off. Oh yeah. Oh, it was great. It was a work of work that too should be held in a museum. . The, the funny thing is, uh, Allison Becker, the, uh, Liverpool goalie, uh, after they had pretty much, um, secured the win in that game, um, he.
He like basically copied him and like kind of took, took the piss out of him. Yeah, it was, it was, It was pretty funny. Yeah. Even as a Liverpool fan, I was like, Yeah, that guy , Georgia quit at you. So yeah, I guess that's the one nice thing I could say about your crappy. You're have to get used to saying a lot more nice things about them.
We're on the rise. Why is that? We're on the rise, man. Yeah, we're we're mid table right now. Yeah. But Liverpool's at the top and that's where they're gonna stay. Oh. So let's, let's have a look at the, the rankings real quick. Okay. Yeah. Let me just, I bet they're number one. We're from the top five. They're not number one top five.
They're not top six. Top 10 live. You just gotta keep grasping at straws there. Huh? Top 30 liver pool. How many teams are there? There's 20. Top 15 liver pool is number 10 right now. Hey, And ever? 10 is number 12. Oof. One. Actually, no. We're tied on points. No, we're. Yeah. Yeah. We are uhuh tied on points? No, we both have 10 points.
No. So you could basically say we're the same. No, I won't say it. I'll say it. You can't make me . Liverpool. Everton, they're, they're teams of roughly the same stature. No. Stop. You're ruining my night. I'm fine with that. I don't actually care that much. Uh, I'll that ruin my night. . Cause I care immensely. . Yeah.
Well, I mean, you know, I just pick teams that you hate just to mess with you. Right. I'm fine with that. It makes the games more interesting because I can, I can crap talk. Even if you don't understand what it means, I can still do it and I'm gonna back up my team cuz that's just who I am. I'm loyal. You're just a standup gal, huh?
I am. I am a standup, sturdy gal. Oh, you like sports. You're not gonna push me over name every Liverpool player ever. Uhs Sa Forgot the same salad. . I'll give you half a point is its, It's Sola. Sola. I said it. Yeah. But there was no conviction in that . Hey, I knew how to spelled. Okay. And that's, That's the only team member I know.
Congratulations. Yeah, thanks. She's not liking the girls . Yeah. I'm a real soccer fan, so she knows an Egyptian yay. Yeah. . That's me, . Um, all right, well, that's enough torture here. Yes. On that note, I suppose we should, uh, call it a day here. A did you a Jew? Um, whoa. Who is this international girl, . Yeah. I, uh, I speak French.
Spanish International Girl, , Mrs. Worldwide
Uh, but yeah, so please be sure to tune in for us next time in about two weeks. Uh, catch us on all your favorite podcast streaming services. And until then, I'm Jenny Greenley. I'm going through puberty a second time.
The soccer player kicks the ball into the goal. The player is, say your name, . Don't me hang it. That was awful. Okay. No, it wasn't. It was totally normal and cool. Take two, .