OK Loser
Two nerds, one podcast. Hosts James Powell and Jenni Greenlee discuss the lame things they are into with one another. This conversational-interview style podcast is released bi-weekly. Losers unite!
OK Loser
Episode 2 - Wrestling with the Past
In this episode we expose James' dark secret...he's a wrestling fan.
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Hello, and welcome back to okay. Loser wrestling with the past. Does that sound okay? Yeah, that sounds lame enough for me. Lame enough for you. Yeah. You're the one who came up with it. Yeah. That's why it sounds lame enough for me. that's that's that's the kind of title that's just lame enough to be about.
Well, here we are, because guess what? You're in the hot seat this time. Oh yeah. Well of course any seat I'm in is gonna be hot. Mm, no, it's mostly cuz I'm gonna roast you. Oh, all right. I guess we can do that too. Before we get into too much roasting. Um, I am Jenny Greenley. I am your roasty for the evening.
James Powell. Yes. He's gonna be well done by the end of this podcast. Oh man. I'm gonna taste terrible. I'm not gonna have any juices in me. Gonna be a bad time for everyone involved. I'll have, you know, the well done steak is, is this, is this a hot take right now? Well, done steak is better than any other kind of steak.
Oh no, no, that's just wrong. we asked them firmly. What does, does that hand quote go? We asked them firmly yet politely to leave. Yeah. God bless king of the hill. Um, But, yeah. So as the title states, um, in this episode, we are going to be launching, uh, full head first into James's past with, um, his guilty pleasure, which is, uh, well, you see, I'm the kind of loser who likes to watch, you know, big musclely sweaty guys fight each other over stupid reasons.
There's a, there's a word for that. Yeah. Flame, it? You know, it really is something that like, like yesterday we were talking to people about how we were gonna be doing this. And I almost didn't want to say what it was. Cause wrestling is one of those things where, you know, in pop culture, in society, it. I, I wouldn't say it's like a taboo thing, but like, I wouldn't say it's taboo.
It's it's like a, it's a very cringe thing. Like you, you don't think that, you know, normal, well adjusted people like wrestling. like you have a only the freaks of nature. Well, you have like an image in your head of like some 40 year old guy with a neck beard in his mom's basement, you know, in, so yeah.
Yeah. Uhhuh. Well, you fit that ticket. Great. Huh? I mean, I got the neck beard, but other than that, I, I'm not in my mom's basement at least. Where are you? Well, you mean if, so you're with me. this is a pretty sweet basement bed. It's like a whole house size. Well, I try um, yeah, I would say if you had asked me, like, I don't know, 10 years ago, uh, what I think.
Wrestling in the wrestling industry. Um, I would say it's a pack of nerds for sure. Oh, absolutely. And to be honest, there really is a pack of nerds. Mm-hmm but I mean like a lot of, you know, things that actually turn out to be cool. Um, it's okay. You know, like it's not everyone's cup of tea. That's fine. Um, but I don't think it deserves you're wrong, but it's fine.
I don't think it deserves the crap. It gets either. Okay. Well, We'll get more into that, I suppose. Okay. So, um, I guess we'll just jump right into it. And, um, the first question I have is how, and when did you first even get into wrestling? Like what, yeah, just we'll just start from the beginning, I guess. Okay.
Um, well, um, my mom really was into wrestling, um, before I was, uh, mm-hmm it was kind of something that, you know, she was watching it, so I would watch it too. Um, she, she was like one of those old school wrestling fans, like when wrestling was actually a cool pop culture thing. Mm-hmm um, so like back in like the eighties and nineties, when wrestling, like first became popular, especially like in the nineties, like it really enjoyed its.
Best run then now was this like WWE E so WWE really came into its own, like in the, that late eighties, uh, early nineties period. Like when you, when we think of like the biggest wrestling show, you know, we think of like WrestleMania and that's when that started mm-hmm . Um, but it had, it had been around for a while and there were like other companies and it was pretty regional until WWE.
Corporatized it mm-hmm um, and actually ran a business of wrestling. I see. That's uh, you sound like a giant nerd just now. Oh yeah. yeah, definitely. Definitely. Um, so your mom was kind of what got you into it. You said. Yeah, absolutely. So has she like always watched wrestling or, um, how did she get into it now?
I'm curious. I don't know how she, I saw Patty on the show. I think she would love to be on the show. um, I don't really know how she got into it. Like I said, like in, in that time period, um, It was a popular thing. It was mainstream mm-hmm like Janice Joplin was showing up on, you know, WWE television. Oh, damn.
You know, so like it was, it was a pretty standard, you know, popular thing. Like Mike Tyson would come on, Lawrence Taylor, like a lot of celebrities. So. it was definitely in the mainstream. Um, so I don't think it's like a, how did she get in into it thing? You know? Cause it was just there, it was a thing that you did.
Yeah. It was just like TV and you, you watch TV. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's a violent soap opera. your mom does like soap operas. She does. Yeah. soap operas with extra steps. Exactly. Um, so. I guess my next question would be what initially drew you in and what has kept you coming back like year after year? Oh, well, it's, it's, it's really easy to tell you what, what drew me in, um, you know, as a kid, You see these tall muscular guys picking up other tall muscular guys and throwing them around and it awakens something in you , I won't get into that today.
we're actually discussing James' sexuality today, but you know, like, it's it. It's cool. You know, like these big, strong guys, you know, Tossing around other big strong guys. It's cool. You know, you, you want to grow up and be a big tall, strong guy yourself. Mm-hmm , you know, whenever you're six, you think, oh, I can do that.
yeah. If I eat my vegetables, I'll be just like that guy. Yeah. Yeah. Whole always said, uh, eat your, or take your vitamins and say your prayers and you'll be just like me. nice. So has that, what's kind of kept your attention after all these years. Like you're an adult now. So, uh, no, no. Um, I, you know, I, I will say this.
I don't think I would be into wrestling now if I wasn't into it, when I was a kid Uhhuh , um, You know, there was a, a pretty long period in like the middle of my childhood, like my, my teenage, like early, uh, preteen years. And then my teenage years where I didn't watch it, you know, I thought I was too cool for it.
Like, oh, it's fake. Why do I wanna watch that Uhhuh? Um, but, uh, no, I I'd say probably. Maybe four or five years ago, I got back into it because like, I, I heard something was going on and I was like, oh, I'll check it out. Sure. Mm-hmm and been religiously watching since. Beautiful. Yeah. um, I know you mentioned something about wrestling being fake.
Now this is like a hot topic I feel. Oh, absolutely. And, um, I just wanna know, like your thoughts, like if someone was around you just chatting and they were like, oh, wrestling is totally fake. Like what would your response to them be? I know yeah. I mean, it is air quotes fake, but it's hard to fake. A 300 pound guy climbing to the top rope and jumping onto a guy who weighs a buck 50, you can't fake gravity or physics, like that's actually going to hurt.
You know? So like, it's not like it's not a real sporting competition, you know, there's a, there's a, how about the Chad Gable? there's, there's a. There's a predetermined winner. Mm-hmm and the, the people in the ring have already decided what they're gonna do most of the time. Mm-hmm but it's fun. You know, one, one of the, what I really like about wrestling is like, I, I, I enjoy the wrestling, but I enjoy the story more.
Mm-hmm that's what really brings me in mm-hmm I. I enjoy, you know, like funny, witty people, like, uh, Samie Zane or Kevin Owens and WWE, um, who can make me laugh and then also engage me in what they're saying. And then, you know, you back it up with the violence, you know, so it it's, it's really multi-layered and that's what keeps bringing me back at least.
Okay. I guess that makes sense. So you mentioned a couple wrestlers. I know you love Sam Ann and I know you love Kevin Owens. Absolutely. Yeah. Um, so what was some of your favorite or maybe your absolute favorite wrestler? Like back when you were first sort of watching wrestling? Oh, this is such an easy question for me.
I loved Kurt Engle. Okay. Why? Well, one, he. and absolute goofball. I, I loved it. So this guy, he was a legit wrestler. Like he, he won a gold medal in, I think the 2000 Olympics. Okay. Or maybe, maybe like the, the 98 Olympics or some sometime around that era. Mm-hmm um, so he's, he's a legit guy, but then he comes into WWE E and he's not afraid to like, come in and look like a complete dufus.
You know, at the same time mm-hmm um, so I, I really appreciated that. Um, and I would say really him, he brought me in as a kid, so he would come out and like his theme music was like, and then the crowd, and then the crowd would chant you suck. You suck and he would, he would just be like getting mad about it and, you know, just like looking like a real dufus of the whole time and I loved it.
but then he could also get into the ring and like pick up a guy nearly 400 pounds and drop him on his head. Wow. So how big was he himself? Maybe? maybe around 200 pounds. Hm. Yeah. Dang. Yeah, he was definitely a strong guy. Awesome. Mm-hmm so when you were a kid, did you, were you like, this guy really is stupid or were you like, oh, he is just playing around, like
So whenever you're a kid, I, I think it's pretty customary that you think it's real in air quotes, Uhhuh . Like the beef is real. Yeah. And like, you know, their personalities are who they really are type of thing. Exactly. Yeah. So I liked Kurt angle and he was being portrayed as a bad guy. He was a, what? A heel mm-hmm.
And we're among the nerds here. yeah, you can call it what they're . Um, but I would get mad that the crowd didn't like him you're like, that's my coding we're rooting for him. So when the crowd would like chant, you suck during his song, I'm like, no, stop it.
I just imagining like seven, eight year old James, like yelling at the TV over his favorite wrestler. Yes. And it's giving me a lot of joy. So my mom likes all the good guys Uhhuh. So she would not like Kurt Ingel. Cause most of the time he is a bad guy Uhhuh. Um, so yeah. She would, I, I think she would kind of like, like, you know, egg it on sometimes.
Yeah. And like, I would be genuinely upset and she would be like, but you know, he did this, this, this, and I was like, yeah, but. It doesn't matter. He's like, cool mom, come on. You don't understand us. what me and Kurt have. Kurt Engel have is special. I want go to my room for reasons that aren't necessary to tell you why
So we're coming back around in that.
Okay. So Kurt Engel was your favorite back in the day. Now is Sammy Zion, your favorite. Now that's hard. Um, I, I would say, yeah. Okay. Yeah. He's out of like all the wrestling companies. Yes. So he's really picked up that Kurt angle Baton. Um, he, no, he's not like he's not a former Olympia or anything like that, but you know, he.
He's really funny. He can portray characters that are good or bad. Oh, come on. Now you told me you don't have a good time when he is on the screen. He's just he's. He's okay. He's really good at playing a prick. Yeah, he is. But he always gets what's coming to him. Mm-hmm and that's that's what a good heel needs to have happen.
You know, if, if you just keep getting away with it, then it's just. Oh, okay. I guess, you know, I guess that happened, but you know, you, you need to have repercussions for a, for a good, bad guy, but I will say my second favorite wrestler and I don't know how much of it has to do with anything they do in the ring or anything like that.
But, uh, it's Wardlow and AAW. Oh, I know why he is your favorite. Oh, you know, this guy is hot. He is smoking. Yeah. Dude, his, his tops there to die for he this man, maybe you could be your top this man. If I play my card, this man. Can pick out a button down shirt. Mm. Like it's nobody's business. It's true. Yeah.
He, oh man, he looks great in a photo. Ladies, if you're listening, just, just go on to Google right now and type in more low, and you can even probably type in floral shirt. I feel like he's worn enough where it's a thing, gentlemen, if you're typing in, it's worth it for you to . Yeah. Anyone can behold his beauty it's it's truly a thing of wonder.
Yeah. So I, it is good watching you in the ring too. Um, you know, he is been having a lot of success more recently. Mm-hmm um, and he is, he is fun to watch. He's like a big, strong, powerful guy. Like the kinda guy that, that, yeah, he is. , he's the kinda guy who got me interested when I was a kid, you know? Cause he's like the idealized version of, of, of a man mm-hmm , you know, like, like whenever you think of like a superhero, you think of guys like him mm-hmm yeah, I can see that.
So I feel like. just based off of like our conversations in the past and what I've seen online, like wrestling, I feel has really evolved from when it first started versus now in a lot of different ways. Absolutely. Um, what would you say sticks out in your mind as like, what has changed the most over the last, I don't know, 20 years, I guess.
Okay. Well, there are two big things. Okay. First of all, The actual wrestling has gotten way better. Okay. So when we were talking, so I don't mean to interrupt you, but that kind of surprises me because you said like, in the beginning, a lot of the wrestling was like legit wrestling, like, you know, popularized stuff.
Like, was it not good back then? Like, well, that, that period of time, whenever wrestling had its biggest. It was really written for like 13 year old boys. Um, so no, it, it didn't really focus on the wrestling itself. Um, it focused more on, you know, like, like FLIC jokes a lot. well, they've reached their audience even now.
Yeah. but like the, like we're talking about the first wrestling media a while ago. If you go back and watch that. it sucks. like, it's just terrible to watch. Like, uh, and you know, like probably the most famous wrestling match ever was Hulk Hogan versus Andre, the giant. Okay. And it is just impossible to watch.
Is it just like boring? Well, it's so slow and yeah, it is boring. You know, Andre, the giant, he's a huge guy. Mm-hmm . And by this point, like his body was failing. So, well, I mean, he had gigantic mm-hmm um, and his knees were gone. His back was pretty bad. Um, it just sounds like it would be sad to watch. Well, it kind of is, you know, if you, if you know what's coming, um, but yeah, so it, it is just wrestling back then was not good.
Like the wrestling in the ring itself was not good. Mm-hmm and I think a lot of that was to do with like the kind of people they. Attracting like they were attracting those larger than life, big muscle leave guys who may not be able to wrestle, but you know, they look good slathered in baby oil. oh, who doesn't?
Well, me, I know, um, it's giving rotisserie chicken uh, so that's probably the, one of the biggest changes, but another thing that's probably bigger than that I would say is. The evolution of women's wrestling. I, in that boom period that I keep talking about, like in the, the nineties women's wrestling kind of was a joke.
Yeah. It was basically like they would, they would basically assign any model willing to get punched in the face Uhhuh. Um, and it, it really wasn't based on like in ring skill or really even. Like microphone skills. It's just, are you hot? Do you have big boobs? you're in consider you yourself sign. Yeah, exactly.
And that's not to take away from anyone during that period, cause I'm sure they gave it there all, but the quality just wasn't there. And there were some people who, you know, were able to get very good at it. Like, uh, Trish Stratus and oh God, I'm blinking. Uh, They were probably the two best during that time period.
Mm-hmm best at like actual, like physical wrestling. Yes. Okay. Yes. I mean, it's sad, but the reason that they were able to get their high positioning, even, even though they were good at the actual wrestling part was because they were hot. But now, um, it's gotten a lot better. Women's wrestling is actually a serious.
Women have main evented at WrestleMania several times now. Mm-hmm, in a w I wouldn't say their women's product is as good as WWS is right now, but they actually care about improving it and they do have some very good talents as well. Yeah. Um, when do you feel like women's wrestling became less of a joke and more like something to be respected?
Like when do you feel like that change kind of shifted. It's not even that long ago, honestly, maybe like 2014 or 2015. Hm mm-hmm I, it really, it, it, I don't think it was really ever the women themselves fault, but the companies just had to start caring about it. Do you think the women themselves were wanting to be taken more seriously?
Or do you think that they. Just kind of in it for the money, like they were just going along with what was being said or do you think it varied? I'm sure. It probably did vary to some extent from person to person. First, first of all, I never grudge anyone for taking the bag. Oh, for sure. I mean get the money, right?
Yeah. But I'm just, I'm just wondering, like, I wonder what made the push? Well, I, I think everyone wants to be respected, you know? Um, I don't think there was any ever really a point where they wanted to not be taken serious. Um, really, it was up to the, the fans to demand it, be taste serious, taken seriously.
Um, in the nineties, the fans were content for 13 year old boys. Yeah. Who were happy to see boobs. There were literally broad panty matches. What, what does this mean? You had to strip your opponent down to their broad panties. I mean, isn't that basically what a women's wrestling uniform is already? No, they would be like dressed up.
Like a sexy maid's uniform or, oh God, or like a school that's even worse than I was expecting. and you'd have to pull the clothing off. Mm-hmm cool. And you would win the match by taking the clothing off until they were down to their bra and panties. So is there like a video?
You're the problem? I'm a 13 year old boy. Um, are there any old. Or any parts of old wrestling that you miss? Hmm. I don't know that I really miss any of it. Um, I maybe miss certain people from it, but I don't know that I really miss, I don't know really what it was like during that boom period. Um, you know, I was barely born then.
Mm-hmm so I, I don't, I can't, I can't really say that I missed. it would be, I think it'd be great. If wrestling was mainstream again, mm-hmm uh, then I wouldn't feel so guilty about watching um, well you've could have converted me. So there's one person. Exactly. I'm I I'm doing my part. Yeah. Everyone else, all your other end sales out there.
Do your part here. Yeah. Go talk to a girl and see what you can do. it worked for me. It could work for you too. um, so. Wrestling has definitely grown. I feel like, like companies have changed and grown and now in our ho home, at least we mostly watch WWE. And Aw. Do you have a favorite out of those two and why, or are there parts of each one that make you like them for certain reasons?
Yeah. Um, I mean, it's a boring answer, but there are reasons for like both mm-hmm I think overall. like given the last several years is probably a better overall product. Mm-hmm things are changing with WWE, especially like right now, as we are recording this mm-hmm in August of 2022. Um, like things have started changing in the last few weeks.
Uh, pretty fast. Thank you. Triple H. Yeah, no kidding. um, but since Aw is founding, I'd say they probably put out a better product. Um, But WWE being more established has more resources. Um, so I think they have probably a better roster that they just have to use better. mm-hmm and without a doubt, I mean, I, I gotta say WWE has a much better women's product.
Like I said before is trying to improve it and they've shown progress. Um, But it's just, it's not at the same level right now. Mm-hmm . So what qualities do you think make an like the best wrestl. , I'm probably gonna have way different things from what actual wrestling fans like. Well, good thing. I'm only asking you about your preferences.
Uh, I, I like talkers. Like you have to win me over on the mic. Mm-hmm so if you can make me laugh or engage me, that's gonna draw me into the story. Like, I, I don't really care as much about the sporting. Fighting wrestling part of it, like entertain me. are you not to entertain? Well, we'll see. so, you know, like guys, like the new day, or like I mentioned before, Sam is, and Kevin Owens, drew McIntyre, um, people like hangman page and, uh, a w um, the best friends or Chas people like that.
Mm-hmm . I, I like just give me all the goofy stuff I'll take I'll I'll watch two hours of just straight, goofy, like nonsense. yeah. I don't even need a wrestling match. just give me a story. I just, just goof around and really that's all I want. I, I just want a story. I think that's what I like about wrestling.
You know, I would consider it in that same category as like other sports mm-hmm um, even if it. You know, predetermined, it still takes a lot of athleticism and skill mm-hmm . Um, but in sports you look for stories. Like, I don't really care about, you know, in the NBA that much, but like when big stuff's going down, I'll watch, like when LeBron left, uh, Cleveland went back to Cleveland, left Cleveland again, I watched her a little bit, uh, I'll watch her around like the finals.
God baseball. That's that's even more boring. but I'll watch during the world series. Mm-hmm , you know, I, I stick around for stories. I see. Um, Did you ever have an interest in wrestling like yourself, physically doing any of those things or you more like stick them on the sidelines? Oh God, no, no, I will say if I, if I had a chance to do it, I would probably try it Uhhuh, but I am not athletic enough.
I am not in enough shape for it. I probably don't have the pain tolerance for it. I, I, I, I, I don't think that'd be a, a good, a good setup for me. You could be the next Otis well, he he's, he's an actual athlete. He, he was like, he wrestler in the pan American games. Uh, I have never wrestled. I cannot make wait for, for a wrestling match.
I'm not willing to spit in a bottle all day um, no, I will say I, I do want to experience some of the wrestling things, like one of my favorite things. Oh my God. I know where this is going. Yeah, you do. One of my favorite things in wrestling is like, when they'll like take the back of their hand or the front of their hand or whatever, and they'll just smack the.
Of the other person and it like, sounds like a gun's going off. Yeah. It's like the loudest noise ever. I love it. And I need to know how it feels I absolutely need to know for your birthday one year. I just wanna hire Walter to come and just like smack your chest. Yes, yes, please. Can I have another, and then I'm sure this would really, really, after care is important.
I'm sure this would really, really hurt. But I wanna know what it's like to go through a table too. Yeah, I could see that. Yeah. Mm-hmm now I don't wanna get like hit by a chair or like get suplex or punched into the face or anything throwing to the steps. Yeah, no, cause that, that stuff would like really, really hurt.
And I, I can kind of already tell how that would feel like I've been punched into the face. I don't like it. . Loser. Wow. then I tell you, I don't wanna wrestle. I'm not a good fighter. um, I had one question that I wanted to circle back to. Cause I forgot about it until now. Um, so I know you said your favorite wrestlers right now.
Same Jose Wardlow. Do you feel. Who do you think is like the best wrestler in either company right now, or even both? We could do WWE and might not be your favorite, but who do you think is like number one on both of those? Are you asking about like actually wrestling or let's too? Interpret it however you want.
Okay. Well, who, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna say who's the best overall person from each company. Okay. Um, for a, do we wanna break this down to men's and womens for each two? Uh, sure. Yeah. Okay. So best WWE women's wrestler? Um, probably Becky Lynch. Really? Yeah. Okay. It was either gonna be Becky Lynch or Bianca Bianca Bellaire.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I had Bianca in mind whenever I was thinking in my own head about. um, okay. Uh, best men's WWE wrestler.
I'd probably say Seth Rawlins. Really? Yeah. Okay. Why? Well, I, I think he's probably one of the best in ring person or wrestlers they have mm-hmm um, God, he is really entertaining. Like he is so good at being annoying. Yeah. I love it. I like south Rowland. I aspire to be as annoying as he is. Oh, you're on your way.
um, okay. A w women's wrestling best person. I think it has to be Brit baker. Okay. Um, I so badly wanted to be Chris Lander. I, I, I really like Christ Outlander. Okay. Um, I think she would be in a much better spot right now. She didn't keep getting injured, which there's nothing you can really do about that.
Yeah. But it is where it is, what it is right now, you know? So I think it has to be pretty baker. Um, she's the best person on the mic by far mm-hmm of all the wins wrestlers and she can really hold her own in the ring and she's willing to. Like do horrific things to herself. Yeah. Um, you know, we don't see like a lot of like women's, uh, like no DQ matches and she was willing to go through thumb tax and broken glass and barbed wire mm-hmm she's a real trooper
Yeah. Um, okay. Aw. Men's best stressor. I think it's Kenny omega, but I really wanted it to be hangman out of Paige. I love me some hangman hangman is great. Yeah. But I think, uh, I think Kenny omega outworks I'm in the ring a little bit. Okay. But Kenny or, uh, but hangman is so great at connecting with the crowd.
Mm-hmm like. I, I feel bad for him. A lot of times like, it, it for a good reason, like, I didn't feel bad. Like, oh honey, you tried I'm like, oh no. Why didn't you win? Yeah. Yeah. For sure. He really makes you feel for him. Yeah. Um, do you have a favorite match that's ever happened or like a favorite pay view that's ever happened?
That you can think of. And who was it between? Oh, man, this is a terrible question for me because I can't remember my own birthday. well, the power of editing exists. You can think all you want for just as long as you want. Um, I, okay, well, I'm gonna take this question a different way first. Okay. My favorite match type is the Royal rumble.
Well, first of all, it's full of surprises. You know, you never know who's gonna, you never know who's gonna come out next mm-hmm or if it's gonna be someone returning from an injury or someone new to the company. So yeah, it it's, I, I, I love surprises and hate surprises a lot at the same time. Mm-hmm um, so it's great for that.
Plus it's a good way to build like a new star. like, I remember the year drew McIntyre won, um, in the COVID year. I really wanted him to win, but I didn't think he was, so I was cheering for him the whole time. And I was like, oh God, he's still in the ring. he might do this. Yeah. And then he was in the final two and I was like, oh God, he actually did it.
So, you know, it's, it's a, it's a good way to build excitement. Yeah. Um, and, and I think that's a lot of fun. Mm-hmm um, Hm. Yeah, I think I am gonna have to edit out some time here for me to think and edit out that voice crack. What
I think the best match I've ever seen is the young books versus the Lucha bros. And a still cage match. I remember that match. It was ridiculous. Yeah. And it kept like, it kept going, like there were so many points where you thought that they were gonna get in. Yeah. And then they kicked out and I was like, what?
How are they still like alive right now? Yeah. And, oh, there was this ridiculous spot, uh, where one of the young books, uh, they got a shoe with Thumbtack poking out of the bottom of the shoe. and they kicked one of the guys in the face. Yeah. And these guys were wearing masks. So I guess there's like a little bit of padding mm-hmm
Um, but still, I wouldn't want to take that even if , even if I had a pillow over my face, thumb stack, chew to the face. Yeah. Thank you. No. There's so many ways that could have went wrong. Like your eyes are right there, man. your eyes are right there. you like seeing, right? Like for the most part , but it was just a ridiculous match.
Um, and those are two of the best tag teams in the world. Um, so I'd probably say that's my favorite match to that. I've seen. I think, uh, FTR has entered the chat. Oh, I love FTR and I, I think they definitely should win every title on the face of the planet. Yes. They need like how many they have now? Four, uh, I think they have 3, 3, 3 titles right now.
Okay. Yeah. They, they need another what's what's another title, like, come on. Yeah, exactly. They're just on a roll at this point. Yeah. Okay. Well that's all the questions I have for you today. Um, Thank you for. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, absolutely. Who I'm gonna turn the table on you. Okay. Who, who are your favorite wrestlers from what you've seen?
Yeah. So for anyone who is listening and doesn't really know us in person, um, James was the OG wrestling nerd, but I've kind of like joined the bandwagon in the last, like, I wanna say year, year and a half. Really it's toward the end of COVID. Yeah. Um, I would like. Stuff. Um, well, like in 20, like the end of 2020, like the first year of the pandemic.
Yeah. I feel like I kind of, I got into it because what else was I gonna do? I was just chill at home too. Yeah. And James and his mom are watching it. I'm just sitting there. So I guess I'll do it too. You, you were a captive audience. Yes. Wow. That sounded really sad. What do you mean James and his mom were watching guess I'll join the nerd circle here and finish it off.
Well, there you have it fall um, but no, so I've, I've gotten more into wrestling over the last year and a half going on two years now, I guess. And I do watch both a and WWE with James. Um, so I guess I'll go, what I did for you earlier in list four. So I guess my favorite, well, this is, are we doing my favorite wrestlers or who do I think is the best?
Cause I think they're different for. It's your show. So , let's go with my favorite then. Okay. And I know you only listed like one, two people, but I'm gonna list four and go through like men's and female. Okay. For each company. So WWE women's my favorite.
I, I think it's Bianca bell. She's like, she's what really kind of got me into WWE wrestling. Like she, uh, she just was so awesome. Like when she picked up someone and like walked them up the steps into the ring and toss 'em in there, I was like, I'm down for her. like, that's step on my throats. Yes, pretty much.
Um, oh, speaking of stepping on my throat, RIA Ripley exists too. Yeah. Hmm. I, I think I still have to stick with Bianca. Um, for men's WWE
I, uh, I don't know. It's hard. I think I might go pick Dian priest. Really? Yeah. Wow. I'm kind of surprised. Did you think I was gonna just anyone who dresses like a vapi it's my aesthetic. What can I say? Maybe that should be one of the next podcasts. Why are you obsessed with vampires? No. Um, who did you think it was gonna be?
I thought it was gonna be someone like Roman rains. Yeah. Roman rains was my favorite in the beginning. Like when I first started watching. Um, and I also really liked drew MacIntyre for a while there, but I don't know. I'm just a sucker for vampire what can I say? Um, Women's. Hmm. I think, um, Jade Cargill is my favorite right now.
Um, although I also really do like, uh, thunder, Rosa mm-hmm a lot. Um, and for men's. I know they're a tag team, but the acclaimed. Oh, I love the acclaimed. Yes. Yeah. They, they just like, they, they're probably my favorite, like wrestlers right now. Like overall, like they're just, they're so funny. And like the stuff that they've been doing with the ass boys has just been chef's kiss.
They have a name, Jenny, the sons of guns, the gun club oh, whatever. Isn't no isn't tons of guns, a thing. Or did they invent that? No. No, let that's, that's not their official name. Oh, they're called the gun club. Yeah. Well, I know them as the ass boys. That's that's how we have them in our hearts. Yes. But no, the Quin agree.
And for anyone who doesn't know about them, um, So like their, their gimmick is that, um, one of them max castor will come to the ring and like do a rap as he walks down mm-hmm and it's usually like, you know, listen yo listen. Yeah. Uh, but he'll like roast the, the people that they're fighting that night.
And then do like something topical. Mm. Um, and it it's really funny. Um, it lasts like what, 15 seconds. Yeah. Um, the past 15 seconds of the night though. Absolutely. Absolutely. They're just really funny guys. I, I hope that they, uh, they like get pushed higher on the card mm-hmm and besides the acclaimed, uh, MJF decided to throw him in there, I wish he would come.
We miss you. Why are you trying to hurt us in come back to me. My love
Um, alright, well, I guess we'll, uh, go ahead and wrap it up. Thank you for being a, uh, attentive and informative guest here today. I mean, I just on the Jenny show, I just did what I do answer questions specifically about wrestling. Yeah. And, uh, nerd out. It's a lifestyle. . All right. Well, we'll see you guys the next episode.
Peace out. All right. See you losers.